Winter service operations driver training – WM033

Course Aim:           

This course is designed to give drivers the necessary driver training to operate a variety of winter service vehicles, also to familiarise drivers with the latest SPARGO control system fitted to newer gritting vehicles. and evidence the competency of drivers involved in` `Winter Maintenance Operations` including: Elements of `Health and Safety`, Salt Spreading Operations, Snow Ploughing, operations. The course also aims to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 and the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999.

Learning Objectives:

In order to achieve the course aim, the following objectives will need to be `demonstrated` and `assessed` during the course:

Familiarisation of MAN Vehicle Checking using on-board diagnostic systems

Familiarisation of New SPARGO Control Systems

Exac-trak Route Navigation and Automated Salting System

Fitting, Removing and operating vehicle mounted SnowPloughs


Learning Outcomes:

  • Create a safe working environment and compliance with legislation and Lancashire County Council policies and procedures
  • Understand the Safe operation of Winter Service Equipment and the associated risk factors.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of injuries and diseases reportable under RIDDOR and correct use of work equipment covered under, The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)1998
  • Understand how to reduce the risks of injury to the operator, third parties and damage to equipment.
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of the functions of the new SPARGO Control System.

Learning Methods

A range of teaching and learning methods including explanation, practical demonstration, imitation and practice will be used with a focus on individual participation.


Course duration

1 Full Day – per session

1 place per session

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