Raising/lowering of lighting columns – EL046

Course Overview 

This course is designed for Lancashire County Council employees, who, during their daily duties are required to Install/maintain hinged lighting columns, due to the nature of this course group sizes are restricted to a maximum of 6 people. 

Course Aim 

This course has been developed to ensure that Lancashire County Council employees who are required to Install/maintain hinged lighting columns are aware of any legal implications, Lancashire County Council policies and procedures and hazards associated with hinged columns. 

Course Pre-Requisites 

Must have completed SLP025 training. 

Learning Objectives 

 The learning objectives are to create: 

  • Safer working environment 
  • A reduction of costs and down times associated with poor practice/personal injury. 
  • Highly trained workforce 

Learning Outcomes 

  • Create a safe working environment & compliance with legislation and Lancashire County Council polices /procedure 
  • Understand the importance of carrying out pre-start checks on all equipment  
  • Understanding of how to operate specialist equipment 
  • Common Problems when raising/lowering columns associated with this activity 
  • To be able to identify types of columns and equipment required. 

 Learning Methods 

A range of teaching and learning methods including presentation and demonstration will be used with a focus on individual and group participation. 

Course duration 

 4 hours excluding any breaks 

 6 places maximum 

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