NPTC –tractor & flail training – GS034

Course Overview 

This course is designed for Lancashire County Council employees, who, during their daily duties are required to use `Tractor & Flail` equipment, due to the nature of this course group sizes are restricted to a maximum of 2 people. 

Course Aim 

This course has been developed to ensure that Lancashire County Council employees who are required to use `Tractor & Flail` equipment are aware of the legal implications, Lancashire County Council policies and procedures and hazards associated with using `Tractor & Flail` equipment. 

Learning Objectives & Equipment Required 

  • Provide information on the legal responsibilities Lancashire County Council polices & procedures & risk assessments. 
  • Health and safety legislation 
  • Controls 
  • Pre-start checks 
  • Operation the tractor 
  • Manoeuvring 
  • Mounted implements 
  • Trailed machines 
  • PTOs 
  • Tractor mounted front-end loader 

 Learning Outcomes 

(To complete city and Guilds qualification a Trailer needs to be used as part of the training and the assessment) 

  • Safe area for driving practice, excluded to other staff, vehicles and general public 
  • Tractor in clean and safe working condition for the operating practice 
  • Handbook for tractor (if available) 
  • Implements used in normal work procedures 
  • First Aid box 
  • Instructions for tutor showing location of nearest telephone, hospital (A&E), and company/site emergency procedures in case of fire. 
  • Create a safe working environment & compliance with legislation and Lancashire County Council polices /procedures. 
  • Understand the importance of carrying out pre-use checks on all `Tractor & Flail` equipment and any related hazards when equipment is faulty/defective. 
  • Competency in being able to demonstrate the correct pre-use checks and operate safely in the workplace. 
  • Reducing risk of injury to operator and third parties and equipment damage prevention. 

NB. If you are providing facilities or equipment, please ensure that the requirements under the Health & Safety at work Act 1974 and other relevant regulations are met. 

 Learning Methods 

A range of teaching and learning methods including presentation and demonstration will be used with a focus on individual and group participation. 

 Course duration 

 7 hours excluding any breaks 

 2 places maximum 

 Book your place