Medication Awareness and Safe Handling of Medicines

This course is mandatory for all foster carers.


The aim of this session is to provide knowledge to foster carers in the safe administration and management of children and young people's medication in line with Lancashire policy and procedures.


In this course you will learn about how to:

  • Safely request and handle medicines, and administer medicines to individuals outside of a care setting (with the knowledge in this course and if properly trained to do so)
  • Keep good records, knowing what to document and when, and the importance of reporting errors.
  • Store and dispose of medicines appropriately.

Delivery Method

This is an e-learning programme and can be completed at a time and pace that suits you.


Learners will use the self-register option to access this training package. (see details below)

How to register for e-learning

The first time you log on you will need to create an account. This can be done by clicking on the self-register button which is found on the right-hand side of the screen.

You will then be taken to the self-registration page where you will need to complete the 'user details', It is important you ensure that the options below are used when registering;

Name of employer: LCC Foster Carer

Sector: Carer

Service: Foster Carer

Group: Carer

Please take your time and ensure that you enter the above correctly when registering, if the specific selections above are not chosen then your registration may be rejected.

To access this training and to self-register – Click here

Once completed click the 'send login request'.

Once your account has been validated you will receive an email with your login details'.

Click on the link provided within the email and use the username and password that you have been provided, when you first login you will be prompted to change your password, please create something memorable.

Under My Courses you will see 'Medication Awareness and Safe Handling of Medicines' click on the Access course button in blue. Click on the Launch button to begin each module.


This e-learning package is free of charge.

Contact Information