The impact of trauma on sensory processing (All Children) - FC0117

Foster carers of Children Looked After (CLA), Residential staff supporting Lancashire's CLA, Special Guardianship Order parents of Previously Looked After children. Parents of children on a child in need or child protection plan.

Please note that the courses will be hosted as a virtual classroom session. Learners enrolling for these sessions will need their own laptop/PC or smart device to log on to the session.


This workshop will aim to:

  • Help, support and empower parents and main caregivers with the following understanding and awareness in:
  •  Normal brain development (including signs, symptoms, tips and tricks)
  •  Sensory processing systems function (All 8 systems), signs, symptoms, tips and tricks for home and school environments
  •  Trauma effects on development physical and emotional, with tips and tricks on dealing with difficulties


At the end of the course participants will be able to :

  • Be aware of 'Movement Is key' to brain development from the brainstem upwards to higher functioning and thinking
  • Define how Sensory stimulation contributes to brain development
  • Recognise how social interaction is one the most powerful influencer of brain, nervous system and mind development
  • Be aware of the importance of the child-parent attachment relationship for a child’s emotional wellbeing and resilience. (Trauma Informed approach)
  • Be aware of how a child’s sensory processing needs can help parents to understand the child and know better how to support them
  • Recognise behaviour as a form of communication which tells us about what the child needs from us

AC Education. 

Delivery Dates & Venue

Click on the link below to view all available dates & venues

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