First aid for foster carers - FC0027

This course is mandatory for all foster carers.

Delegates must be able to kneel on the floor for at least 2 minutes continuously, to complete the practical elements of the training and receive an award of certification. If you are unable to do this – do not enrol on this session and contact your support worker /manager.


To provide immediate assistance in a variety of circumstances, predominantly involving children.
At the end of the course a certificate will be issued. This certificate is valid for a period of 3 years.


At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the correct management of a patient, adult and child, having a medical emergency requiring intervention, as per the UK Resuscitation Council Guidelines, using scenarios.
  • Discuss in a theoretical and practical style, medical conditions and the management required, as per the UK Resuscitation Council Guidelines.
  • Discuss in a theoretical and practical style, trauma conditions and the management.


This training is delivered by First Response Training Company

Delivery Dates & Venue

Click on the link below to view all available dates & venues

Apply Now - Day courses

It is essential that all carers attend the full training day as they need to complete the full number of training hours to be awarded a certificate. Carers must be able to kneel on the floor for at least 2 minutes continuously, to complete the practical elements of the training and receive an award of certification. If you are unable to do this – do not enrol on the session and speak with your support worker /manager. A certificate of Award will not be issued if attendees leave early or do not complete practical assessments to the required standard to pass.