Family Time and the Role of a Foster Carer - FC0075
This course is for foster carers, fostering team managers, supervising social workers and fostering support workers.
Please note that the courses will be hosted as a virtual classroom session. Learners enrolling for these sessions will need their own laptop/PC or smart device to log on to the session.
To communicate to foster carers the importance of quality family time for the children and young people in their care and to provide them with instruction to prepare and support our children through family time including, where appropriate, to facilitate family time.
At the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Detail the standards required as they relate to family time for children and young people.
• Undertake a review of what research, evidence and experience tells service providers and carers about the benefits and negatives of family time .
• Analyse the occasions where it is in the child’s best interest for the foster carers to manage family time and determine the considerations necessary for the management of family time to be conducted successfully and safely for all parties involved.
• List the major considerations in preparing a child for and supporting a child through family time and understand the carers' opportunity to influence positive outcomes.
Mike Wilson
Delivery Dates & Venue
Click on the link below to view all available dates & venues