Coping with fostering arrangements endings - FC0103
This course is for foster carers, fostering team managers, supervising social workers and fostering support workers.
Please note that the courses will be hosted as a virtual classroom session. Learners enrolling for these sessions will need their own laptop/PC or smart device to log on to the session.
To develop Foster Carers’ resilience and their understanding of the positive and negative impacts of arrangements ending for the children in their care.
At the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Build foster carer resilience and skills when faced with major arrangement transition.
- Recognise the different challenges resulting from planned and unplanned arrangements ending.
- Determine the key factors in ensuring the best possible outcomes for both the child and the carer when faced with these endings
Mike Wilson
Delivery Dates & Venue
Click on the link below to view all available dates & venues