An introduction to inclusion (formerly SEND) - FC0097
This Course is for Foster Carers and Adopters
Please note that these sessions will be hosted as a virtual classroom session. Learners enrolling for these sessions will need their own laptop/PC or smart device to log on to the session.
- To signpost carers to the support available for children and families.
- Understand what Inclusion is.
- Discuss the broad areas of need and to share information about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and Specific Learning Difficulties.
At the end of the course participants will be able to:
- Identify what the 'code of practice' and 'local offer' are.
- Be familiar with the 'graduated response'.
- Be aware of using the 'one page profile' as a tool for understanding your child's ambitions and aspirations.
- Be familiar with the purpose of a 'Common Assessment Framework' (CAF) and 'Team Around the Family' (TAF) meetings.
- Be aware of how to access key people within school who can support your child
- Be aware of where you can go to access support.
Inclusion Specialist Teaching Service.
Delivery Dates & Venue
Click on the link below to view all available dates & venues