Previously looked after children (PLAC) and children with a social worker (CWSW)
Previously looked after children are those children who are no longer looked after in England and Wales because they are:
The subject of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangement order which includes arrangements relating to with whom the child is to live, or when the child is to live with any person, or has been adopted from 'state care' outside England and Wales.
(A child is in 'state care' outside England and Wales if they are in the care of, or accommodated by, a public authority, a religious organisation or any other organisation the sole or main purpose of which is to benefit society)
Virtual School
The role of the Virtual School for previously looked-after children (PLAC) is to promote their educational achievement through the provision of information and advice to their parents, educators and others as necessary for the best interests of the child or young person.
The duty of the Virtual School for PLAC commences when the child becomes eligible for free early education, which is currently the start of the term following the child's second birthday. This duty concludes when they complete the compulsory years of education.
This duty relates to PLAC who are in education within Lancashire, regardless of where they live.
You can read more about the Virtual school and how we support schools, designated teachers, parents and carers in the Lancashire Virtual School Offer (PDF 234KB).
The Virtual School has a new non-statutory strategic duty to promote the education of children with a social worker, you can find out more about this duty on GOV.UK.
Education plan for previously looked-after children and children with a social worker (EPPLA/CWSW)
We have designed new education plans to be used with previously looked-after children and children with a social worker (EPPLA/CWSW). We would strongly urge all schools and early years providers to use these as good practice.
Only because a child has moved into permanence, does not mean that their needs have disappeared. It doesn't remove any traumas or ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) they may have experienced in their life. These children need just as much support as those still the care system. Children who have a social worker have often experienced trauma and various ACE's.
It is crucial that these vulnerable children are closely monitored in schools and settings and their needs are being met.
The EPPLA/CWSW is a tool devised as an evolving and working document. We would like to see termly meetings taking place to discuss the children in your school and setting, where parents and carers are invited. During the meetings, progress should be discussed and SMART targets should be agreed to address any gaps or developmental needs.
Template letter to parents
Schools can use the following template to inform parents and carers of the duties of schools and the local authority to support previously looked after children and children with a social worker.
The Pupil Premium Plus Grant (PPG+) funding for PLAC comes directly to the school based on the PLAC data you entered on the census in October. The £2,530 is sent direct to schools in the April by the DfE. Virtual School has no direction in that funding, so the full amount comes to you to fulfil your PLAC duties.
If you would like advice, support or guidance relating to the education of PLAC, CWSW and Children in Kinship Care, please contact us