Careers advice and guidance for children looked after (CLA)

The Employment and Support Team offer additional careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) sessions to all children looked after in Year 10 and 11. A minimum of once per term will be offered. This will enable us to discuss aspirations and next steps following high school and support with the transition to Key Stage 5.

An employment officer will meet outside of school hours (if requested by the young person or school) and to focus on the 'next steps' to retain their education, employment or training status.

Additional work experience can be coordinated during holidays where required and CV preparation if wanting to apply for part time/holiday work.

Employment officers will work with each school to understand their current offering of CEIAG / work experience to ensure our support compliments the school.

Support in options Years 8 or 9

Depending on the school, and when pupils choose their options, an additional options session for year 8 or 9 pupils will be offered by the employment officer.

This is twofold as it will introduce the pupil to the Virtual School service and support they will receive in Key stage 4 but also to make sure the options they are thinking to choose fits in with career pathways in Key stage 5 and beyond.

Your employment officer will be in touch but for any queries please email


Primary KS2 careers assembly and/or workshop

Currently, there are national pilots looking at the Gatsby benchmarks for primary schools and the value of providing careers advice to pupils earlier.

In Lancashire Virtual School we are starting to work with schools interested in holding a careers session for KS2. This could be an assembly, workshop or both, from a member of the Virtual School team. The team member can work with the school to explore what the sessions will look like and the objectives.

If you are interested, please email and we will be in touch.