Corporate Parenting Board
Corporate Parenting Board membership
Agendas and minutes
Corporate Parenting Board agendas and minutes
Purpose, composition and terms of reference
Corporate Parenting Board purpose, composition and terms of reference
Submitting reports
Please use the Corporate Parenting Board report template (66 KB, Word Document) to submit your report and follow the guidance below.
Golden rules for Corporate Parenting Board: Reports and presentations
When presenting or writing reports to the Corporate Parenting Board please apply these rules:
- Use young person friendly language.
- No abbreviations.
- Full explanation of any tables or charts used.
- Interactive.
- Length (Reports: 2-sides of A4, Presentations: 20 minutes long, max. 10 slides).
- Relevance to children looked after should be clear.
- Impact on children looked after should be clear.
- Time for questions within allocated time.
Please make sure your presentation or report answers the following questions:
- How it was?
- What are the changes?
- What does this mean for children and young people?
- What does this mean for staff?
- What action is needed?
- When should action be done by?
Young people ask that you make all presentations 'interesting', 'colourful', 'understandable' and 'loud, clear and inspirational'!
Contact us
- Email us about the Corporate Parenting Board
- Tel: 01772 532471