You said, we did

You said

Through parent carer and practitioner feedback via surveys, working together virtual events and in person SEND Engagement events held during 2023, gaps in training and knowledge were identified. Feedback from practitioners told us that they needed to know what support was available to families in an accessible format.

We did

The SEND Partnership agreed that a new information guide on the Local Offer was needed for practitioners to improve gaps in their knowledge and understanding. A task and finish group was established and the SEN support guide for professionals was co-produced to help all practitioners identify how conditions affect children and how to access support with or without a diagnosis.

A multi-agency workforce development working group was established in 2023 to review and further develop The SEND workforce development strategy. The new strategy and training programme was approved by the SEND Partnership Board in January 2024.

You can view the strategy on the SEND Partnerships publications page.