Education of children looked after (CLA) previously looked after children (PLAC) and children with a social worker (CWSW)
Virtual School for Children Looked After
Support and advice for professionals working with CLA and previously looked after children from the Virtual School Team.
Personal education plans (PEPs) guidance
Guidance for schools and education providers completing a personal education plan (PEP).
Previously looked after children (PLAC) and children with a social worker (CWSW)
Support for schools and early years settings to meet their duties for PLAC, from the Virtual School.
Funding for children looked after (CLA) and previously looked after children (PLAC)
Includes Pupil Premium Grant +, how to apply for CLA High Needs Funding (HNF) for schools or early years pupil premium funding (EYPP) for early years settings.
Training and events by the Virtual School
Training to support the education of children looked after (CLA), previously looked after children (PLAC) and children with a social worker (CWSW).
Attendance for CLA, PLAC and CWSW
How the Virtual School monitors attendance for children looked after.
Emotional health and wellbeing
Advice and resources to support and improve the mental health of children and young people.
Attachment, trauma and sensory needs
Supporting children who may have sensory needs, an attachment disorder and children who have experienced trauma.
School readiness and transition
Ideas for professionals to support school readiness and transition for children looked after, previously looked-after and those who may have a social worker.
Educational resources
Resources for professionals, parents and carers of children looked after (CLA) and previously looked after children (PLAC).
Virtual School Superstars
Nominate a pupil who you think deserves a reward.
Careers advice and guidance for children looked after (CLA)
Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) sessions from the Employment and Support Team.
Unaccompanied asylum seeking children (UASC)
Including English as an additional language support.
Life story work
Information for schools and settings about life story work to support looked after children and how they can be part of this work.
Policy and guidance
Statutory guidance
There are two important sets of statutory guidance which apply to Lancashire County Council (the local authority) and schools.
For more information see the GOV.UK website:
- Promoting the education of looked-after and previously looked-after children for local authorities
- Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children for local-authority-maintained schools