Early help training for practitioners

Welcome to the early help multi-agency workforce practice development programme.

‘Strong multi-agency and multi-disciplinary working is vital to identifying and responding to the needs of children and families’
(Working Together to Safeguard Children. 2023: 16)

This multi-agency early help training programme offers a variety of training opportunities that enables partners to train and learn together.

The programme below outlines the multi-agency learning and development opportunities available for staff working with children, young people and their families in Lancashire.

Multi-agency early help training programme

This one-day practice development programme is aimed at all professionals completing assessments.

The learning outcomes include:

  • to explain the importance of strength-based practice, be able to recognise and build on protective factors when analysing support needs and addressing risk
  • to know what constitutes a good quality assessment and plan
  • to access resources and tools that capture the voice of the child/family and know where and how to reflect this within the assessment process
  • to develop an awareness and confidence in applying:
    • trauma informed approaches
    • the cycle of change
  • practical support in completing an early help assessment

(Please note: you do not need to attend this programme if you have previously attended the early help assessment – principles and approaches day 1 and 2)

Introduction to early help assessments – 1 day - book a place

This two-day practice development programme is designed for all professionals completing assessments. Over the course of both, practitioners will have the opportunity to explore how we understand a child’s lived experience, developing professional curiosity and strengthening our understanding of disguised compliance. Additionally, the program will help practitioners develop skills in conducting early help assessments and creating child focused plans. The program will incorporate learning from child safeguarding practice reviews, providing time for reflection hypothesis and analyse.

The learning outcomes include:

  • to develop understanding and insight into the child's lived experience and increasing our hypotheses relating to practice 
  • to grow understanding of what professional curiosity is, and why it is important  
  • to explore the barriers and enablers to professional curiosity in practice  
  • to grow a strengthened understanding of what a good quality assessment should consider and the tools we can use to support us
  • to develop how we utilise the child's voice within our assessments, plans and reviews to strengthen the support we offer and deepen our understanding of the child's lived experience

(Please note: If you have attended the early help assessment – principles and approaches day 1 and 2 we recommend you attend this two-day programme as an extension to your learning)

Follow the links below to book your place.

1 and 12 May 2025 - The Arc, White Cross, Lancaster, LA1 4XQ

8 and 21 May 2025 - Committee Room D, County Hall Preston PR1 8XJ

12 and 19 May 2025 - New Era, Paradise Street, Accrington BB5 1PB

23 and 30 June 2025 -The Arc, White Cross, Lancaster, LA1 4XQ

3 and 10 July 2025 - New Era Complex, Paradise St, Accrington, BB5 1PB

9 and 16 July 2025 - Savoy Suite, County Hall, Preston, PR1 3XJ

4 and 15 September 2025 - The Arc, White Cross, Lancaster, LA1 4XQ

16 and 23 September 2025 - Inspire 2, The Exchange, Burnley BB10 1JD

22 and 29 September 2025 - Bow Suite, County Hall Preston PR1 8XJ

7 and 14 October 2025 - New Era Complex, Paradise St, Accrington, BB5 1PB

4 and 11 November 2025 - The Arc, White Cross, Lancaster, LA1 4XQ

17 and 24 November 2025 - Bow Suite, County Hall Preston PR1 8XJ

20 and 27 January 2026 - Savoy Suite 1, County Hall, Preston, PR1 8XJ

21 and 28 January 2026 - New Era Complex, Paradise St, Accrington, BB5 1PB

27 January and 4 February - The Arc, White Cross, Lancaster, LA1 4XQ

3 and 10 February 2026 - Bow Suite, County Hall Preston PR1 8XJ

17 and 24 March 2026 - Arthur Suite, The Exchange, County Hall PR1 8XJ

This half-day practice development programme is aimed at any professional who are lead professionals or who participate in the team around the family process. It will support practitioners to build their confidence and skills in with a particular focus upon co-ordinating, managing and participating within team around the family (TAF) meetings. 

At the end of the course participants will be able to: 

  • have confidence in ensuring that there is a co-ordinated and multi-agency approach in supporting the child/ren and family in relation to the action plan
  • ensure parents/carers and children/young people have an equal role in agreeing their goals and the actions- and their central role in meeting the needs of the child/young person is acknowledged
  • to develop delegates skills and confidence in completing the TAF paperwork
  • understand the TAF recording and storage processes and responsibilities
  • use their skills and gain confidence when co-ordinating, chairing and managing a TAF meeting
  • further their understanding and skills in reviewing progress against the plan and having clear next steps including closure processes

Early help lead professional and TAF role and responsibility – half day – book a place

This one-day practice development programme is for all professionals working with children, young people and families in Lancashire and will support you to further develop and enhance your knowledge and skills when working with families. The day will enable professionals to consider the fundamental skills we need to build and retain engagement with the families we support and consider the challenges we may face.

 The learning outcomes include:

  • recognise the importance of interpersonal communication and its role in building strengths-based relationships with our children and families 
  • to enhance our strengths-based recording and develop understanding of the power our language holds and its importance for the 'child' 
  • develop our ability in approaching and having difficult conversations with children and their families
  • enhance our ability to engage and retain engagement with children and their families
  • enhance understanding of being safe in practice and conducting ourselves professionally
  • to develop understanding of resilience within the workplace and our role 

Key skills for working with children, young people and families in Lancashire – 1 day - book a place

This one-day practice development programme is designed for all professionals working with unborn babies and children under two in Lancashire. It focuses on enhancing our understanding of the lived experiences of children in this age group.

The learning outcomes include:  

  • reflect on trauma awareness in the context for young children and unborn babies
  • enhance our ability in using professional curiosity to consider our hypothesis to increase our insight into the child's lived experience and strengthen the quality of assessment
  • reflect on potential risk factors for unborn babies and children under two
  • enhance insight into the strengths and protective factors available to a young child 
  • strengthen awareness and the importance of engaging fathers and male co-parents
  • consider the importance of our observations, the insight we gain and the implications for the child

Understanding the unborn baby and young baby's world – 1 day – book a place

This half-day practice development programme is for all professionals working with children, young people and families in Lancashire. This programme will support professionals to increase their awareness and understanding of the impact that domestic abuse has on children and young people's lives. Information about resources and specialist sources of support for children and their families will also be shared.

Please be advised that this programme comes with a considerable sensitivity warning given the subject area as this may be triggering. Please ensure you have access to support prior to and after your attendance.

The learning outcomes include:

  • to increase your awareness and understanding of the impact that domestic abuse has on children and young people's lives
  • explore the physical, psychological and emotional effects which can be long lasting
  • to understand the impact domestic abuse has on parenting

The impact of domestic abuse on children and young people – half day - book a place

This brief introduction will help you understand the process of motivational interviewing (MI) and utilise techniques and strategies that are responsive to your service user's needs. 

The learning outcomes include:

  • to experience the basics of MI 
  • to be familiar with the fundamental spirit and principles of MI 
  • to be acquainted with relevant evidence of using MI 
  • to directly experience the MI approach - MI is a respectful stance with a focus on building rapport in the initial stages of relationships with parents and carers - it supports your ability to examine and resolve ambivalence about changing behaviour

An introduction to motivational interviewing – half day - book a place

This half-day practice development programme is for any professional working with children, young people and families in Lancashire, including school crossing patrol workers, teaching assistants, nursery assistants, library assistants, and school catering staff. The workshop will increase awareness and enhance professionals' understanding of the effects of neglect on children and young people. It will strengthen services and improve the ability of universal services to effectively and safely support children and young people who are vulnerable to neglect. 

The learning outcomes include:

  • define neglect and the different forms it can present in 
  • increase ability to recognise the signs and impact of neglect 
  • strengthen awareness of the importance prevention and early help provision plays in tackling neglect 
  • enhance our understanding of information sharing in line with policy and guidance

Noticing neglect workshop – half day - book a place

This half-day course is for all professionals working with children and families in Lancashire, it will support professionals to: 

  • consider some of the factors that influence and shape thresholds, both locally and nationally
  • demonstrate familiarity with Lancashire’s threshold document ’working well with children and families’, and the continuum of need
  • describe how thresholds are applied in practice and what factors may influence decision making

Continuum of need and thresholds - half day - book a place

A recurring theme in child safeguarding practice reviews nationally is the lack of cultural inside for our children. This half-day course, designed for all professionals working with children and families in Lancashire, offers an opportunity to recognise and appreciate cultural differences and similarities, promoting inclusivity. The session will help you understand the importance of appreciating cultures on an individual level, eliminating assumptions and reflecting on personal biases.  

The session will support professionals to: 

  • define the term cultural competence 
  • create awareness of our social graces and how this affects our practice 
  • highlight and explore the concept of intersectionality 
  • consider the importance of working in a way that is culturally competent and anti-discriminatory
  • provide the opportunity to reflect on your own practice 

Cultural competency - half day - book a place

This 1 day course is designed for all professionals working with children and families in Lancashire. Trauma encompasses a wide range of experience or events that can occur at any stage of life, including adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). By attending this workshop, you will not become trauma-informed, but you will gain greater awareness of trauma, explore its impact, and learn how to integrate this knowledge into your practice.  

The learning outcomes of the workshop are to: 

  • develop understanding of the transformation to becoming a trauma informed Lancashire
  • begin to explore how trauma affects our body, brain and behaviours
  • be able to recognise how trauma may present in people we work with and alongside
  • begin to consider what changes we can make to our working practice and service to be more trauma informed
  • increase awareness of developmental trauma and resources that can support the child

Basic trauma awareness training – 1 day - book a place

This one-day practice development programme is for all professionals working with children and families in Lancashire with particular focus on developing skills for working with teenagers and young people.

It will further increase knowledge and understanding around adolescent development and approaches to engaging effectively with young people including those with additional needs and will support practitioners to further develop their confidence and skills in capturing the voice of the young person and their lived experience. 

Understanding the young person's world – working with teenagers – 1 day - book a place