
Please note: As part of a data cleanse exercise of live user accounts held on Astute, we will shortly be deactivating any accounts that haven’t been accessed since 1 January 2021. If you find yourselves unable to log in, please simply email: skillslanddastuteelearning@lancashire.gov.uk with your username and email address used when you first registered for the account and we'll investigate the issue for you.

Astute e-learning

To access Astute click on the appropriate link below:

Astute e-learning guidance

External users must register as follows:

  • Go to Astute e-learning using the relevant link above
  • Click on the Self Register
  • Read Lancashire County Council's terms and conditions and scroll down to create an account.
  • Complete the form and Save. We recommend you use a unique email address as your username. Make sure you type in your details carefully.
  • NB – for Organisation/Business and Job Title – if you cannot see a suitable option, select 'Other'
  • If you select Other, then, in 'Other: Add Job Title (or N/A)' – please type your job title or enter N/A here.
  • You will be sent an email confirming you have registered. Click the link in the email to complete your registration within 48 hours. Please check your spam/junk mail if not received.

Enrolling and accessing courses

When you login you will be taken to the Home screen. You will see the LCC logo in the top left corner, at any time you can click on this to return to the home screen.

To enrol on a course you need to scroll down the page to see 'Available self-enrol events'. When you see 'Early Help Assessment and Plan' click on the Enrol button.

To complete the course follow the instructions on screen, clicking on all images, buttons or numbers to see the Continue button. Depending on your computer settings, you may need to scroll down slightly to see the next Continue button. If you do not see the button, then you must have outstanding actions. When you reach the end, click on the Finish button to end the course and return to Astute to obtain a certificate.


You must complete all parts of the course for your certificate to be available. Once you have fully completed the course, you will be returned to return to the main screen where you can view, print or save your certificate. If you do not have the option to view your certificate, you have not fully completed the course.

Browser issues

The e-learning is designed to work with all browsers. However, if you have issues with Internet Explorer, please use Google Chrome.

Pop up blockers

If you get a 'Pop up Blocker' message; click on the message to always allow content from this site. If you do not allow pop ups, you will not be able to access the e-learning.

Change your password

To change your password you can either use the forgotten password link on the login screen, or once logged in click on the symbol with 3 black lines on the top right of the screen, select My Profile and enter the details requested.


If you need help, please email skillslanddastuteelearning@lancashire.gov.uk. Please give full details of your query and add screen shots (use the PrintScreen button on your keyboard to copy the screen, then press CTRL+V to paste into your email).