Early years support and training

Support and training opportunities for all early years settings.

Early years support and training

Support and training opportunities for all early years settings.

Upcoming courses

Check out our upcoming courses for the coming month - March 2025

Training and information for all early years settings

Training for nursery settings and schools, childminders and out of school settings. Also includes online courses and free training opportunities for all early years settings.

Membership and other support services

Childminder membership, early years SSG , additional consultancy visits and business support.

The Early Years Professional Development Centre

The Early Years Professional Development Centre is here for all early years practitioners to support them in their professional practice.

Lancashire Quality Awards programmes

Quality improvement programmes for PVI settings, childminders and schools, including Step into Quality awards and Lancashire Quality Awards.

Leading practice in Lancashire

Find out about early years lead practitioners within childminding, PVI nursery settings and maintained primary schools.


Information, guidance and tools to support childcare providers in their roles and responsibilities of keeping children safe.

Recruiting and managing staff

Information around recruiting and managing staff and contact details to share your vacancies with childcare students.

Parental engagement and home learning

Tools to help you in encouraging families to carry on the great play work that takes place within our childcare settings each day.

Communication and language

Information for early years professionals including the Lancashire Roadmap for communication and language, resources from our Walk and Talk campaign and language lead information.

Early years weekly bulletin

A weekly roundup of information that may be of interest to you and help you in your role in your early years setting.

Setting up new childcare or expanding existing provision

Support setting up new childcare or expanding existing provision including; nursery provision, out of school provision or holiday clubs, childcare on school sites or becoming a childminder.

Leading your setting

Information, support and tools for leaders of childminder, out of school clubs, PVI nurseries and maintained early years provision.