Providing early education funded places for two year olds

Referral form for professionals supporting families

When to submit a referral form

The table below shows when you can submit a referral form and the date when the early education funded place can start.

Childs Birthday

When child can access a place

When you can apply from

1 April - 31 August

1 September (autumn term)

1 April

1 September - 31 December

1 January (spring term)

1 September

1 January - 31 March

1 April (summer term)

1 January

Checking a child is eligible for a two year old place

The funded childcare for 2 year olds page explains the eligibility criteria.

For all two year old children whose eligibility has been checked the parent will be issued with a letter advising them of the outcome.

Before you offer a EEF place to a two year old you must ask the parent for a copy of their eligibility letter and retain it on file for audit and monitoring purposes. If you offer an EEF place without seeing evidence of eligibility you will not receive funding. We will only fund an EEF place from the date of the eligibility letter.

If the parent has not had their eligibility checked please direct them to our website or if they are an eligible working family to ChildcareChoices alternatively parents can contact the Family Information Service by telephone on 0300 123 6712.

Submitting a funding claim

When you claim for a two year old child you must ensure that you quote the eligibility reference number in the notes section of the headcount and supplementary claim. The eligibility reference number can be found at the top of the parent's letter.

Without this reference number we will be unable to validate your claim and this will cause a delay in you receiving your headcount payment.