Early years entitlements expansion and wraparound programme sector update

Early years entitlements expansion and wraparound programme update January 2024.

Sign up to offer early education funded places

Contact the team to check you are eligible and request an application form.

Guidance for early education funding providers

Information for childcare providers offering early education funding.

Online headcount and provider portal 

Submit early education funding (EEF) claims for 2,3 and 4 year old children.

Providing early education funded places for two year olds

Toolkit for providers offering two year old places.

Providing 30 hours funded childcare

Information for childcare providers offering 30 hours funded education.

Wraparound childcare campaign resources

Campaign resources for wraparound childcare in Lancashire.

Expanded childcare support resources

Campaign resources to encourage eligible Lancashire families to find out more about expanded childcare support in Lancashire.

Funded places for 2 year olds campaign resources

Campaign resources to encourage eligible Lancashire families of 2-year-olds to take up a funded place with a childminder or nursery.

Funded places for 3 and 4 year olds campaign resources

Campaign resources to encourage eligible Lancashire families of 3 and 4-year-olds to take up a funded place with a childminder or nursery.

Early years representation for early education funding

Find out about early years representation at the Lancashire Schools Forum and how to get involved in the Early Years Consultative Group.