- Get smart wash your hands poster PDF 1.45 MB
- Ilog request form DOCX 22 KB
- UKHSA NW ARI Care Home Resource Pack PDF 1.04 MB
Care staff should be bare below the elbows. If there is a risk of splashing from providing direct care, when removing PPE and washing hands, staff should include washing below their elbows also.
Online end of outbreak documents
Terminal decontamination checklist
UKHSA guidance
- UKHSA Quick guide - Taking off (doffing) personal protective equipment (PPE)
- UKHSA Quick guide - Putting on (donning) personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Infection prevention and control in adult social care: COVID-19 supplement
- COVID-19: information and advice for health and care professionals
- Face masks - how to put on and take off (YouTube)