Infection prevention resources

On this page:


Audit tools

A planned programme of audits must be included within your care setting. Useful tools can be found on the Infection Prevention Society website.

Oral hygiene

Posters and leaflets

Sharps Safety – Please refer to your sharps bin supplier and occupational health

Cleaning colour code (PDF 113 KB)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) poster (A3 full size) (PDF 787 KB)

Personal protective equipment (PPE) poster (A4 smaller version) (PDF 539 KB)

Multi drug resistant organisms (MDRO) information sheet (PDF 5 MB)

Handwashing sinks (PDF 99.6 KB)

UTI – Chain of Infection (PDF 160 KB)

Nutrition and hydration

Food diary (DOCX 41 KB)

N&H 2024 Staff Leaflet (PDF 401 KB)

N&H Activity Pack (DOCX 808 KB)

N&H Week Quiz 2024 (DOCX 58 KB)

Recipes and drink ideas (DOCX 1.07 MB)

Residents N&H activity sheet (DOCX 1.58 MB)

Hy5 hydration poster (PDF 166 KB)

Hy5 hydration leaflet for carers (PDF 367 KB)

Nutrition and hydration week (PDF 4.77 MB)


Hand Hygiene

Webinar - hand washing hygiene

Get smart wash your hands poster (PDF 1.45 MB)

Hand hygiene newsletter (PDF, 462 KB)

Hand washing technique

World Hand Hygiene Day presentation for care providers (PDF 1MB)


Tackling antimicrobial resistance action plan (PDF 295 KB)

E-coli Strategy for Lancashire (PDF 634 KB)

National AMR strategy (external link)

Links to printable information from external sources

NHS Choices is a great website for information, guidance and management of infections; such as C.difficile, MRSA, Scabies and many more.

The NICE website has quick guides including Helping to prevent infection - A quick guide for managers and staff in care homes.

The Royal College of Nursing have published guidance on essential practice for infection prevention and control.

The Infection Prevention Society has produced a home hygiene training resource based on a targeted approach to home hygiene in an easy to follow and practical way. It is a useful resource for professional carers both in care homes and with domiciliary care agencies and for anyone wishing to develop their understanding of hygiene in the home and everyday life.

Ingesting Polymer Guidance (PDF 136 KB) by the National Patient Safety Alert


The following videos are available on YouTube: