Contact Details
Contract Management
(Adults Social Care and Public Health)
Health and Residential Settings
- Contract variations and novations
- Contractual queries
- Contract compliance
- Quality monitoring
- Quality improvement
Tel:01772 531 293 Email:
Procurement Customer Access
- the number of hours you have been asked to provide for a newly commissioned service.
- the care you have been asked to provide i.e. the care is no longer adequate or needs to be changed
- accessing Care Plans through the Care Portal
- you have a question about tenders (Oracle Sourcing) e.g.
- Finding tenders
- Submitting a bid
Tel: 0300 123 6710
Adults Social Care Customer Access |
- you no longer provide services to a service user, but they are visible on the care portal. This includes reporting deaths
Tel: 0300 123 6720
Adults Safeguarding Customer Access |
- you have a concern about a service user you are providing services for
- safeguarding queries and alerts
Tel: 0300 123 6721
Emergency Duty Team Customer Access |
- out of hours queries and package requests
Tel: 0300 123 6722
Procurement Information Management
Supplier Care Provider Portal usage
- Registration
- Login
- Confirmation/loading of service provided (Actuals)
- Portal navigation
i-Supplier queries including:
- Registration
- User Creation
- Password reset
- Navigation
iSupplier contact
Care Navigation
- a package of care that is currently being arranged by Care Navigation.
- Rate queries for any new services
- Responding to Care Navigation RFQ's within Oracle Sourcing
Tel: 01772 538 450 Email:
Data Cleansing Team
(within Care Navigation)
- missing or incorrect packages of care – query through the Care Portal using "Supplier Change Request" or via the Data Cleansing Team
- support for the "Supplier Change Request" functionality is available within the Care Portal and via the Data Cleansing Team
Care portal – Oracle Supplier Change Requests
Tel: 01772 530 200 Email:
Adult Care Payments
- the processing of Care Portal submissions/manual invoices
- the processing of residential care payments
Tel: 01772 535 866 Email: