
Welcome to the Lancashire Primary Maths Team page.

Here you will find expert guidance, the latest updates and free resources, along with premium content for subscribers.

All content is maintained by the skilled maths consultants from Lancashire Professional Development Service.

Planning and Curriculum Content

Red Rose Mastery Maths
Red Rose Mastery Maths

Providing teachers with comprehensive planning materials for each lesson including teaching resources, detailed planning guidance and children’s task sheets, including deeper learning tasks to challenge more able mathematicians.

Curriculum Content

Covering: Using and Applying Mathematics; Number; Geometry; and Statistics. Annual subscription required for Premium Resource access.

Subject Leaders

Support for Primary Mathematics Subject Leaders

Subject leaders



2024/25 Course Programme Brochure

Access the new 2024/25 LPDS Course Programmes and enhance your professional growth.


Foundation, Primary, and Special Course Programme



Book your CPD early and guarantee your place.