Who can access the LCC RE Syllabus?
The Lancashire Agreed Syllabus (LAS) is freely available to all schools and academies in Lancashire. It must be legally followed by all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools. This includes pupils in the reception class and the sixth form. As far as is practical, the syllabus should be followed in special schools and PRUs.
Academies without a religious character can adopt the locally agreed syllabus or choose to develop their own.
Governors at a voluntary controlled school can provide RE in accordance with the provisions of their trust deed (similar to a voluntary aided school) at the request of parents.
How much does it cost to buy the LAS?
Out of county schools and authorities can buy access to the LAS and the restricted area of the RE website. Please contact advisory.support@lancashire.gov.uk for further information. The RE website provides guidance on planning, assessment and support for subject leaders.
Where can I provide support in implementing the LAS?
Free network meetings are provided in 3 venues across the county at least twice each year. These are advertised on the LPDS website LPDS - LPDS Resources (lancashire.gov.uk) and in the termly Newsletter that is posted to the portal for all heads and RE leads.
Additional training courses are also provided as informed by an analysis of the annual survey. These are also advertised via LPDS.
Consultancy support can also be arranged by contacting alison.lloyd@lancashire.gov.uk
Three primary associate RE consultants (Helen Hall, Rebekah Fielding and Michelle Smyth) are available to provide training and support. Costs reflect normal consultancy rates. The LA are keen to ensure that schools receive the support they need so please make contact to discuss your requirements.
How much curriculum time should be allocated to the teaching of RE each week?
See page 19 in the LAS brochure. The syllabus is based on the expectation that a minimum of 5% curriculum time is allocated to the teaching of Religious Education. This could be taught weekly or as a blocked unit each half term.
Students taking the full course GCSE or A level RS will require considerably more time than this minimum requirement. For example, current guidance for GCSE recommends a minimum of 120 taught hours.
Collective worship is not part of the taught curriculum and is not part of the recommended time for teaching Religious Education.
Where can I find resources to support my teaching?
Medium term planning exemplifications for each unit in the syllabus are uploaded to the RE website on the LPDS site (teaching and learning – primary- foundation subjects- religious education). All Lancashire schools plus those schools buying in from out of county can be registered to the website by providing an email address. Teachers can then use this to set their own password. For instructions or difficulties in logging on please see LPDS https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/lpds/ .
Who can I contact regarding multi faith visits to Temples/Mosques/Churches?
Lancashire SACRE have teamed up with Building Bridges to provide support in finding faith leaders to visit schools and arranging trips to varied places of worship. Their SLA can be found on the RE website in the Building Bridges section.
Alternatively contact: 01282 682275 - PMinterfaithbookings@outlook.com to discuss your needs.
Is there a place where I can find dates for all religious festivals?
The dates of the annual religious festivals can be found on the following websites:
Where can I find information on Mixed Year Group Planning?
There is an example of mixed age planning on the RE website. When planning for mixed age classes it is important to ensure that each year hangs off the overarching key line of enquiry to provide comparative work across the year.
Where can I get a copy of the Lancashire SACRE newsletter?
The Lancashire SACRE newsletter is uploaded to the website Lancashire SACRE newsletters - LPDS Resources and posted to the portal each term for the attention of the head and RE lead, if you do not get the portal updates, please ask the head to assign you as lead on the Portal to ensure you get the most up to date information.
What does a parent need to do if they do not want their child to receive any religious education?
A parent is legally entitled to withdraw their child from all or part of the RE curriculum and or collective worship. Detailed guidance on how to respond (from both the SACRE and NATRE) is uploaded to the RE website under Right of Withdrawal Right of Withdrawal - Lancashire Professional Development Service
What are we assessing in RE?
In line with other subjects, the LAS provides a knowledge-based curriculum. Assessment should check what pupils know and remember over time. This means that teachers should assess knowledge aligned to the beliefs and values and living religious tradition strands of the syllabus. Guidance on what to assess is provided in the pillars of progression within the LAS as well as the end of key stage assessment overviews. Both are found on the RE website.
What should be covered in collective worship?
The SACRE have provided detailed guidance on Lancashire's approach to collective worship. This document is entitled Mirrors and Doors and is uploaded to the RE website. A good place to start is to ensure that planning for collective worship is aligned to your school's vision and values.
This page has been developed by the Lancashire SACRE team with the intention of enabling schools to find answers to some of the more commonly asked questions.
If further support is required, please contact advisory.support@lancashire.gov.uk
February 2025