Performance Indicators for Valued Assessment and Targeted learning
What is PIVATS and who is it for?
Assessing and celebrating small steps of progress for pupils with SEND
- Informs and empowers teachers to adapt planning and provision.
- Comprehensive package of assessment and support which can be adapted to the needs of your setting.
PIVATS Language & Communication Extension Pack – Now Available!
We are absolutely delighted to be able to advise that the "Language & Communication" extension pack is now available to order.
Language acquisition is becoming an increasing challenge for schools, as a growing number of pupils enter school with delayed language development. This then impacts on their social, emotional, and academic progress.
The PIVATS Language and Communication Extension Pack has been designed to give practitioners guidance on how to promote the development of listening and understanding of spoken language, and talking and communication skills, within a mainstream school setting – especially for pupils functioning within the earlier PIVATS milestones.
It is worth noting that 15-20% of pupils will have persistent SLCN (Speech, language, and communication needs) and these pupils would benefit from specialist support and intervention in addition to the strategies promoted in the PIVATS toolkit.
The PIVATS Language and Communication Extension Pack has been written to support provision for pupils being assessed using the PIVATS 5 Language and Communication Milestones. Where a criterion is highlighted, there is an example of a practical strategy which could be included in provision to develop that aspect of language and communication.
For further details please contact us via pivats@lancashire.gov.uk or on (01772) 531555.
Ordering and Accessing the PIVATS Extension Packs
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Latest PIVATS News
The full range of PIVATS resource provision
PIVATS and the Engagement Model
PIVATS Milestones and the Pre-Key Stage Standards
Relevant courses and resources for SEND provision
PIVATS Packages
With reduced budgets in the current financial climate, we are now offering PIVATS resources at discounted prices in a number of packages.
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PIVATS Assessment Tools and Resources
Assessing small steps of attainment, setting challenging but realistic targets and tracking pupil achievement and progress in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Mathematics.
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Assessing small steps of attainment, setting challenging but realistic targets and tracking pupil achievement and progress in personal, social and emotional characteristics.
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"Last term we started using the PSED PIVATS and have found the toolkit easy to use and navigate. It is an excellent tool to use to help you reflect on the child's needs and target/prioritise one area to support, which has led to other areas improving as well."
PIVATS Extension Packs
Extension Packs now available in the areas of 'Number', 'Reading', and 'Language and Communication'. Find out more .
Ordering and Accessing the PIVATS Extension Packs
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PIVATS Tracking
Enter assessments, set targets and display pupil level, group level and school level charts & reports.
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Provides support materials for teachers, TAs and SENCOs, the Toolkit assists them with the assessment of personal, social and emotional development, while enabling them to plan for and resource subsequent learning and PSED support.
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" After speaking to staff, they all gave positive feedback, to say they are great for TAs to carry out as they are self-explanatory and give you a list of all things needed. Some members of staff have even used them for explaining things to parents."
Book Training
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Or book a bespoke PIVATS consultancy: Find out more.
PIVATS Webinars
Access on demand training videos to support the use of PIVATS in your educational setting.
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Details of the features and benefits of an 'Accredited Provider' arrangement.
"We do enjoy feeling like a part of the PIVATS family & always appreciate your support. PIVATS is a great tool and it’s fantastic that the teams in (our area) jointly promote its use"
Free Downloads, Samples and Support

PIVATS Support Videos
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PIVATS Samples
View samples of PIVATS 5 and PIVATS PSED

Wider Lancashire Resources Available to Support Children and Young People with SEND

Check out our EAL Resources
Events and Affiliations

We will again be exhibiting at the TES SEND Show this October in London. Full details

Sensible SENCo
Proud to be a Sensible SENCo Gold Partner. Sensible SENCo supports a community of over 12,000 SENCOs.