Developing Great Teaching
Active Learning
Is learning in the classroom relevant, enjoyable and motivational so that pupils
are engaged?
Adaptive Teaching
How effectively is formative assessment used to adapt teaching and learning before and during lessons? Is effective scaffolding of learning supporting all pupils to make progress and does learning include appropriate stretch and challenge?
Assessing Prior Learning
Is prior knowledge assessed before the lesson to inform planning? Is prior learning activated in lessons to connect new learning to previous learning?
Culture for Learning
Is there a positive and well-embedded ethos for learning which impacts significantly on pupils’ outcomes?
Learning Environment
Is the learning environment tidy, well-organised and effective in supporting teaching and learning?
Learning Objectives
Do learning objectives reflect the intended knowledge or skill to be learnt in a lesson?
Reviewing Learning
Is learning regularly reviewed e.g. within lessons, daily, weekly, termly etc. and does this have a positive impact on outcomes?