Induction Pack for Pupils New to English - Primary

Induction Pack for Pupils New to English - Primary produced by Lancashire Education Improvement - Equality and Diversity Team

'How do we support EAL children when they do not speak English? What language do we work on first? How can we communicate with them?’

We are often asked these questions so in response we have put together this set of materials to support and guide schools and teachers through this process.
These materials will provide:

  • a clear framework with support and strategies for pupils new to English language and their families
  • Teachers and teaching assistants with the confidence and knowledge to work with a new to English child
  • Prepared resources ready for use to save staff time in school.

Contents include: a basic language programme for new arrivals with some supporting resources for use in school, bilingual resources to share with parents new to the UK with information about school and education, fans to support children’s communication, checklists for teachers, ’Buddy’ and other welcome resources, a Welcome booklet for newly arrived families in 14 languages which will help schools to design a booklet for their own school along with other useful documents.

Induction Pack for Pupils New to English -Primary
Available Now for just £55

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