The Lancashire Lions Programme - Secondary
The Lancashire Lions Programme is an anti-prejudice programme which treats all prejudiced behaviour and language the same – We're not here to redirect or reduce one particular type of prejudice because they all hurt people and they all negatively affect our schools and communities.
The programme aims to create a Pride of Lions – a team of students who have been taught and empowered to redirect and disrupt prejudice and hate speech within your school. These incidents rarely take place when staff are present, so having a team of young people who feel skilled and empowered to intervene when it is safe to do so is invaluable to any school.
The programme has two x two hour sessions covering the following topics and skills:
- Identity – We explore the future Lions' identity, celebrate the identity of others in the group, and look at how identity can unite or divide us and be used by extremists and others to manipulate how we think and behave.
- Discrimination and prejudice – We teach the future Lions how to identify discrimination and prejudice, what it feels like to be subjected to them, and why they are so hurtful.
- Working with the harmed – We teach the future Lions how to work with people who have experienced discrimination and prejudice.
- Making effective interventions without escalating situations –The future Lions are shown how to work with harmers to help them feel less isolated and reduce their likelihood of them hurting others.
- Keeping ourselves and others safe – We teach the future Lions how to decide if they need to tell somebody something that has been disclosed to them. We also teach them how to identify when somebody may be becoming aggressive, and how to de-escalate or escape these situations.
Teacher comments:
Pupil comments:
Of course all of these new skills and approaches are really useful for your Pride of Lions in reducing instances of bullying and prejudice that might occur across your school, but the conflict resolution, de-escalation and mindfulness skills that they will learn are also super-useful skills for students in their wider lives and in their future careers once they leave your school.
The programme is available to Lancashire Secondary schools at a cost of £950 which includes a staff meeting to provide staff an overview of the sessions and content as well as looking at how as a school you address issues of prejudice and discrimination. This can be tailored to meet the needs of your school or setting as required.
To enquire about the Secondary Lions Programme please contact us -
Click here to learn about The Lancashire Lions Programme - Primary