English as an Additional Language

"A teacher must adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils (including) those with English as an additional language"

Department for Education Teachers' Standards (2011)

The Equality and Diversity Team provides advice, training and tutor support for schools who wish to ensure that they are providing the high quality support necessary to be fully inclusive of New to English and other EAL learners and support them to achieve their full potential.

We offer the following services:

To find out more about these services click on the links or contact us via this link

How to arrange for EAL support

Please make a referral via the link towards the bottom of our home page

A member of our team will then contact you to arrange a visit to give advice (free of charge to Lancashire schools for new arrivals) and to discuss any further support.

For any queries or to arrange any other support (such as staff training, support for EAL co-ordinators, interpretation) please contact our office: equalityanddiversity@lancashire.gov.uk

For advice and support for children in school, for whom English is an Additional Language (which includes new to country, asylum seekers and refugees) Click here 

For a variety of training options Click here