Support for Coordinators
For GRT Coordinators in Early Years Settings, Schools and Colleges we offer termly meetings, email and phone support.
Our team of professional and experienced Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Consultancy and Support Teachers can provide bespoke advice, guidance and support to teaching and learning staff in your setting, as well as an ongoing programme of coordinator network meetings on a termly basis.
Our team of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Teaching Assistants are able to provide tailored support for GRT pupils in your school who have learning gaps or require additional support with issues which arise as a result of their GRT heritage.
We also have a team of highly experienced Education Access Officers who provide support to GRT families and communities with accessing education as quickly as possible, and support to schools where attendance issues arise as a result of the GRT way of life.
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Co-ordinator Meetings
These take place on a termly basis via Microsoft Teams as follows, and attendance is funded by Lancashire County Council so is at no cost to your school:
Spring 2023 - Thursday the 23rd of February 15:45 - 17:00 - Focus = Engaging your GRT Parents -
Summer 2023 - Monday the 22nd of May 15:45 - 17:00 - Focus = To be Confirmed -