Education Improvement - Equality and Diversity Team
About Our Service
The Education Improvement–Equality and Diversity Team provides support to Lancashire schools, families and communities to enable pupils, including those from ethnic minority backgrounds and the most vulnerable, to fully embrace the educational opportunities available in Lancashire and achieve their potential.
Would you like support?
Click here if you want to make a referral for a child or young person.
Please select the main reason for referral:
- EAL - For advice and support for children in school, for whom English is an Additional Language (which includes new to country, asylum seekers and refugees),
- ELLIE – For East Lancashire, CELLIE for Central Lancashire - For advice and support for families in finding school places for children and young people who are new to Lancashire (including asylum seekers and refugees)
- GRT - For advice and support, including accessing education for Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) children and young people
- Pupil Mentoring - Mentoring for children and young people at risk of exclusion
- Any other reason
If you want more general support/advice (not related to a child or young person) regarding -
- Training or CPD
- Support liaising and engaging with families from diverse communities
- Developing provision for new to country, asylum seeker and refugee pupils or GRT
- Equality in education
- Developing community resilience in schools and beyond
please contact us
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