Floor Books
Using the Guidance and Case Studies to develop ‘Floorbooks’
If you decide to keep floorbooks, you may be able to get some ideas from here.
This guidance has been developed in response to frequently asked questions by schools who would like to develop and use Floorbooks in their setting, but are not sure where to start, what they should look like, what to include, who to involve, or how they can be managed as part of the observation, planning and assessment process within a school.
There is no right or wrong way to produce a Floorbook, but it is important to identify the purpose specific to the school and this guidance is intended to answer some of these questions, whilst enabling practitioners to make informed decisions about the development and use of Floorbooks.
This document has been developed with the support of a number of Lancashire schools who are successfully using Floorbooks with the children and who have each produced a case study.