Schools HR Team

The Schools' HR Team works in partnership with school leaders to resolve difficult HR issues. The team provide a comprehensive, flexible and responsive HR support service to assist Headteachers, School Business Managers and Governing Boards to meet their obligations and to support them in managing HR issues in an effective and professional manner.

This is achieved through the following:

  • The provision of a suite of model policies, procedures and guidance covering the full range of employee relation issues, reviewed annually and in response to changes in employment law, national and local terms and conditions;
  • The provision of unlimited advice relating to the application and interpretation of employment law, in a manner which safeguards the interests and equality of opportunity of all stakeholders;
  • The facilitation of harmonious and productive relationships with the recognised trade unions;
  • The provision of expert advice and assistance on individual casework matters as required;
  • The provision of advice and support relating to school reorganisations, amalgamations and closures leading to staffing reductions and workforce changes.

The Schools' HR Team provides support, guidance and direction on complex casework matters involving the following:

  • Discipline
  • Capability/competence
  • Grievance/Bullying & Harassment
  • Managing Attendance, including sickness absence and leave of absence
  • Pay and grading
  • Safeguarding allegations and statutory referrals
  • Redundancy, restructuring and re-organisations;
  • Employee relations
  • Recruitment and selection
  • HR training and development
  • Pensions

All schools are allocated two colleagues within the team to be their key contacts. The service is offered throughout the year, including periods of school closure.

If you require any further information about the Schools HR Team service offer, please contact:

Jeanette Whitham – Head of Schools HR Team

Tel: 01772 530436


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