Governor Training
The Lancashire Governor Training and Development Team provides an up to date professional service of training for the individual governor and the Governing Boards to ensure that governors understand and perform their role effectively. The training and development offer is client oriented and has a proactive approach for the development of Governing Boards, which meets the requirements as set out in the DfE's Governance Handbook 2019 and Competency Framework for Governance 2017. The tutor team consists of: Local Authority Officers and Advisers, Teacher Consultants; retired Headteachers, experienced Chairs of Governors and National Leaders of Governance (NLGs).
The Governor Training and Development Team is a traded service of Lancashire County Council (LCC) and is delivered through a Service Level Agreement (SLA) or on a Pay-as-You-Go (PAYG) basis. From extensive comparisons of other training organisations across the region/country, the Lancashire SLA offers excellent value for money and flexibility for Governing Boards to choose the right package. Please view our current training SLA plus the training matrix.
It is a legal requirement for Local Authorities to provide a training offer to governors of maintained schools to help them carry out their duties effectively. Lancashire County Council has determined that it will extend the training offer to all schools and academies within and beyond the Lancashire administrative boundary.
View our current range of training.
View the Lancashire Governor Services, training brochure for 2023 ~ 2024
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