Governor Clerking

What we do

We offer a comprehensive clerking service via a service level agreement, that aims to enable governing bodies to work effectively.


  • provision of a comprehensive and detailed model termly agenda, and complementary information booklet, which will be personalised according to the needs of the individual school;
  • confidence that all relevant issues are brought to the attention of the governing body at the appropriate time;
  • advice on the appropriate actions to be taken by governors and governing bodies to comply with legislative requirements and best practice;
  • advice on the proper conduct of governing body proceedings and clear guidance as good practice;
  • full compliance with regulations on the maintenance of records (membership, minutes etc);
  • timely and effective preparation and distribution of agendas and minutes to meet legislative requirements and the needs of individual governing bodies.
  • an interface between individual governing bodies and the local authority.


How we do it

The service has set high standards for the clerking of governing body meetings and will try at all times to ensure:

  • a competent clerk to be present at all governing body meetings;
  • the same clerk, whenever possible, to attend all meetings of a governing body;
  • a personalised agenda for each governing body meeting to be prepared in consultation with the chair of governors and the headteacher;
  • the notice of, and agenda for, each governing body meeting to be sent out as required and in accordance with the legal framework;
  • draft minutes of each governing body meeting to be forwarded to the chair and headteacher for approval within 20 school days, unless otherwise arranged with the governing body;
  • meeting papers to be made available to governors via the Schools' Portal;
  • action to be taken by the clerk following a governing body meeting to be completed as directed;
  • access to the Governors' area on the Schools' Portal;
  • new governor pack for each newly-appointed governor.

All clerks have completed relevant training and commit to continuous professional development.

Testimonial from a Chair of Governors who use our service

"Dear Clerk

This is a personal "thank you" from me for the professionalism, knowledge, skills, continuous support and common sense you bring to your role as clerk to governors. 

This together with your calm approach truly enhances our experience as governors and instils confidence in our work.

And as an added bonus, you are a lovely person to work with.

In gratitude

Mrs X Chair of Governors"


View the Lancashire Governor Services, Service Level Agreement Brochure for 2024 ~ 2025


Contact one of our area team leaders to find out about a service level agreement (SLA), pricing and how your school can sign up:

Contact details

Name Position  Telephone Email 
Judy Haydock Area team leader East  01254 220503
Val Morris Area team leader North  01524 581185
Helen Parkinson Area team leader South  01257 516143

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