Education Improvement – Equality and Diversity Team SLAs

Lancashire Equality Mark Package

Equality Mark

The Lancashire Equality Mark package supports schools take measures to embed Equality throughout their practice with the goal of enabling all pupils to thrive in a supportive learning community. It includes advice, training, network meetings and all documentation.

EAL Tutor Support Service Level Agreement


Our team of EAL tutors are trained and quality assured by our service and available to be deployed in schools to support EAL learners across the county. They are experienced in working with EAL learners and have a proven record of impact on pupil progress.

Other Support, Guidance and Resources

We have much more available to support schools, much of which is funded so free of charge to schools. To find out more, please explore our website or get in touch:

-Family Support -School Of Sanctuary

-Pupil Mentoring -Primary EAL Induction Pack

-EAL network meetings

All Together Now School Linking

This programme forges links between schools and settings and enables children and young people to meet others from a different community who they may not get to meet during their normal day to day lives; helping to develop trust, empathy, awareness and respect.

All Together Now

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