
"I would strongly recommend HR services to other Lancashire schools"

"Very thorough and professional throughout the process. Supported me and was sensitive with my very poorly member of staff"

"Always there to listen, fair and factual, and works extremely hard to support the school"

"Highly effective, knowledgeable and the expertise was very much appreciated both prior to, during and post meeting. Thank you for all your efforts and hard work in supporting the school"

"The service provided was highly professional and efficient. It could not have been better"

"I cannot praise or thank you enough"

"Outstanding, professional, caring, sensitive to needs of our school. As a school we are so lucky to have you working with us"

"Many thanks for your support and expertise today. It was very much appreciated"

"A fantastic source of support on numerous occasions. Approachable, giving practical advice and suggestions of how best to approach"

"I felt confident in dealing with the case as a result of being very well supported and informed"

"Exceptional. Provided me with all the information and support in order to effectively deal with a difficult situation"