Wider Lancashire Resources Available to Support Children and Young People with SEND

Resources to Support Inclusive Practice

SEND Inclusion Team – Good Engagement Models – GEMS

These are a series of approaches to support professionals working with children and young people with SEND.

They address and support some of the core challenges that professionals may encounter within their classrooms/settings with children with SEND.

Within each GEM, you will find activities which are versatile and that can be adapted to suit your school setting, in primary and secondary.

GEMS can be used to support individual children or may be suitable for small group in within a whole class setting.

Lancashire SEND Good Engagement Models - GEMS -

Good engagement methods (GEMS) - Lancashire County Council

Lancashire SEND Teaching and Learning Toolkit -

Teaching And Learning Toolkit: Ordinarily Available Provision (lancashire.gov.uk)

Lancashire SEND Teaching and Learning Toolkit

The aim of the Teaching and Learning Toolkit: Ordinarily Available Provision is to support colleagues in meeting the needs and to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people. The additional needs of the majority of children and young people (CYP) can be met by inclusive quality first teaching and reasonable adjustments from the funding and resources that are already or ‘ordinarily’ available in their mainstream school or setting. This is known as ‘Ordinarily Available Provision’.

High Quality Teaching in English

Lancashire English Team VLOGS - Video Content and VLOG - Lancashire Professional Development Service

General Resources to Support Writing

The Primary Sentence Toolkit has been designed for subject leaders, class teachers and teaching assistants to support children in their understanding and composition of sentences.

Publications - Lancashire Professional Development Service

This document provides examples of the application of grammar and punctuation within sentence construction linked to the National Curriculum and Lancashire's Key Learning documents.

It illustrates progression from Reception to Y6 for all sentence types required across KS1 and KS2. Teachers and Teaching Assistants may find this a useful resource when planning for the whole class, group sessions or intervention. It can also be used as a reference tool when assessing writing in each year group.

Please click here to view sample pages.

Details - Lancashire Professional Development Service

Links/Resources to Support PIVATS PSED

Lancashire Trauma Informed Practice – this link takes you to a practical toolkit full of strategies and further links regarding trauma informed practice. It is very worthwhile watching the 45 minute video introducing the toolkit to ensure you navigate the toolkit site and get the most out of it.

Trauma Informed Practice - You can now access the recording of this webinar here: Toolkit Webinar

The toolkit itself can be accessed here: Toolkit



English as an additional language




High Quality Teaching and Learning (Great Teaching)

Behaviour and PSHE

Physical Education
