What is PIVATS?

PIVATS is a diagnostic assessment resource which measures, and celebrates, progress made by pupils who are well below age related expectations due to attributes of SEND. It breaks assessment criteria into small steps to allow progress to be
measured and monitored and to inform high value learning targets. It must be noted that PIVATS is NOT a scheme of work as this would narrow pupils' access to the wider curriculum. The assessment criteria are based on key learning in basic skills. However, these can be practised and applied in a wide range of subjects.

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What does PIVATS assess?

There are two core assessment resources:

1. PIVATS 5 - which assesses progress in

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Number
  • Shape, Space and Measures
  • Using and Applying
  • Listening and Understanding
  • Talking and Communication

2. PIVATS PSED – which assesses progress in

  • Personal Independence and Self Help
  • Social Awareness and Relationships
  • Behaviour for Learning
  • Emotional Awareness

There is also an online tracker which collates PIVATS assessment data and can generate a range of reports to support schools to monitor and evaluate progress and impact.

In addition to the core resources, additional extension packs are being developed with practical ideas to support teaching and learning. Currently, there are the following extension packs:

  • Individualised Reading
  • Number (up to Milestone 2)
  • PSED Toolkit


  • PIVATS 5 is for pupils who are attaining well below age related expectations due to attributes of SEND.
  • PIVATS 5 is NOT for pupils with EAL, unless they also have SEND.
  • A pupil would not usually be assessed using PIVATS until Y1 - end of autumn term onwards. This allows time to transition from EYFS. However, if a child in YR has complex needs, the school may wish to start using PIVATS earlier.


PIVATS PSED provides a structured approach to assessing, planning for and measuring small steps in progress in the areas of personal, social and emotional characteristics of their development. This resource is suitable for all children who, for many different reasons, have gaps in their social and emotional development. PIVATS PSED supports teachers in identifying these gaps to successfully help children develop these essential skills.



Assessing small steps of attainment, setting challenging but realistic targets and tracking pupil achievement and progress in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Mathematics.


Assessing small steps of attainment, setting challenging but realistic targets and tracking pupil achievement and progress in personal, social and emotional characteristics.


Provides support materials for teachers, TAs and SENCOs, the Toolkit assists them with the assessment of personal, social and emotional development, while enabling them to plan for and resource subsequent learning and PSED support.

PIVATS Tracking

Enter assessments, set targets and display pupil level, group level and school level charts & reports.

PIVATS Packages

With reduced budgets in the current financial climate, we are now offering PIVATS resources at discounted prices in a number of packages.