PIVATS Packages

With reduced budgets in the current financial climate, we are now offering PIVATS resources at discounted prices in a number of packages, see below.   

PIVATS 5 Package includes:

  • PIVATS 5 milestones in electronic (PDF) and hard copy folder format;
  • PIVATS 5 "Number P6 to Milestone 2" and "Reading" Extension Packs
  • "An Introduction to PIVATS 5" Webinar

Package Price £275 (plus VAT and p&p)

To order please complete the form accessible via the button below:

Order PIVATS 5 Package

PIVATS 5 Package Flyer


PIVATS PSED Package includes

  • PIVATS PSED milestones in electronic (PDF) and hard copy folder format;
  • PIVATS PSED Toolkit
  • "An Introduction to PIVATS PSED" Webinar

Package Price £210 (plus VAT and p&p)

To order please complete the form accessible via the button below:

Order PIVATS PSED Package

PIVATS PSED Package Flyer


PIVATS Comprehensive Package includes:

  • PIVATS 5 & PSED milestones in electronic (PDF) and hard copy folder format;
  • PIVATS 5 "Number P6 to Milestone 2" and "Reading" Extension Packs
  • "An Introduction to PIVATS 5" Webinar
  • "An Introduction to PIVATS PSED" Webinar
  • PIVATS PSED Toolkit

Package Price £500 (plus VAT and p&p)

To order please complete the form accessible via the button below:

Order PIVATS Comprehensive Package

PIVATS Comprehensive Package Flyer