PIVATS Feedback






PIVATS Accredited Provider:


"As a service we really value PIVATS and continue to encourage its use in schools. It remains very popular in our secondary schools. We feel it is a detailed and accurate way to track progress."


"We do enjoy feeling like a part of the PIVATS family & always appreciate your support. PIVATS is a great tool and it’s fantastic that the teams in (our area) jointly promote its use"


"We were extremely attracted to PIVATS as the most appropriate system for supporting/ tracking our SEN learners. It is so easy to follow and appropriate for setting SMARTS targets to ensure small steps of progress for those learners that in the past were stereotypically always classed as 'below'. We can now clearly celebrate the progress. The accredited provider agreement has meant we can further support other SENDCO's (who we already work with) across our Trust. The benefits from PIVATS have been commented on by class teachers when they are written SEND plans. They find it extremely useful to see where they are at and where they are going as oppose to having to think of their own targets." 


"Training can be delivered to settings without the need for them to wait. It supports the Traded Service offer available to our settings as they can access PIVATS training and support via their SLAs which makes it very cost effective for them. PIVATS is “portable” which means that if a pupil moves from setting to setting, there is a common understanding across the borough as to what that that pupil can do and what the next steps are. This means that there is no wasted time when a pupil transitions from setting to setting. There is a shared understanding across L.A teams; EHCP officers have been able to receive training in PIVATS, as have the Virtual school team. Thus there is a unified approach across the borough. Being an accredited provider means that we are able to offer support to settings and individuals as and when they require it. Lancashire have also given permission in the past for us to train in a neighbouring borough where there were no current licensed trainers. This is very useful as pupils transition across borders quite frequently."


"We have been part of a franchise agreement for a good number of years now because it works for us and we feel part of the bigger team. We have always found the arrangement to be positive and supportive. The PIVATS team are very helpful and accommodating, nothing is too much trouble and the response to queries is always very swift. Our views are actively sought, and our feedback, based on our schools’ experiences, is always welcomed and taken seriously. We feel that, over the years, we have been able to support the PIVATS development team and have helped to influence the re-writes of PIVATS over time.  We feel very much part of the PIVATS “family” and believe that the positive and strong relationships we have built with the PIVATS team have been very beneficial. The team are always helpful, quick to respond, easy to contact and very accommodating." The annual meeting is always useful and inspiring, and it allows us to meet with other accredited providers across the country facilitating networking. We are very happy to report that PIVATS has become widely used across Oldham and there is a shared understanding across teams."


"I have been working with the Lancashire PIVATS team for a number of years now and they have been the most incredible team to work with. They provide extensive training, follow-up support and are remarkably responsive to any query I have ever had. The resources and updates I receive are clear and useful for dissemination. Nothing seems too much trouble and no question is considered silly to ask, they are so supportive. Schools in my area are becoming increasingly impressed by PIVATS and how it can support their CYP in school and the training resources from Lancashire are plentiful. I would highly recommend them as a training provider and join their franchise for your area."


PIVATS Milestones:


"We use PIVATS daily within school, mainly across KS2 at the moment and the simplicity of the structure is something we do find incredibly useful. The small steps are achievable and allow children the opportunity to experience far greater success, while providing teachers an up to date and accurate report of where children are academically."


"I think the PIVATs resources are great- really easy to use, useful for recording small steps of progress and using for target setting." 

PIVATS Extension Packs:


" After speaking to staff, they all gave positive feedback, to say they are great for TAs to carry out as they are self-explanatory and give you a list of all things needed. Some members of staff have even used them for explaining things to parents." 




" Last term we started using the PSED PIVATS and have found the toolkit easy to use and navigate. It is an excellent tool to use to help you reflect on the child's needs and target/prioritise one area to support, which has led to other areas improving as well."


"it’s such a good price for such an incredible tool."


"I found the training really interesting and was able to think of multiple children within our setting who would benefit from the use of the toolkit. We have made plans for children across different year groups using the toolkit. These will be evaluated at the end of this half term and I will be asking staff who are using the PIVATS how they have found the toolkit to support these children. I completed the training for our support staff within school and the teaching staff and they thought that the toolkit was going to be very useful." 


"As SENCO I have used the PIVATs PSED Toolkit and have shown staff also. We have used it for some children who display difficulties with their behaviour and have been able to show parents where there are clear issues. In this way it has proved useful as something 'concrete' to look at and identify specific areas. This has enabled me to have conversations with parents about how best we can support their child and to help decide whether to move forward with a referral for further exploration."


"We have used the toolkit to enable staff to assess children's needs and find it most useful that there are links and resources ready prepared to make to even easier to use. We use these to inform our personal plans for children so a useful resource all round." 


"We ran a staff meeting using the PowerPoint from training and sharing how to use PSED Pivats. Staff were appreciative of the system, areas and particularly the resources that are inbuilt. Some staff have used these to support children in lessons and in groups.  We have used it for one child and it has been supportive of his needs."


"The links to activities and support for children are ideal, especially for support staff to work with the children. I would recommend the Toolkit to anyone who does not already use it!"


"We have used the documents already. I would thoroughly recommend."


"The PSED toolkit has been useful to us especially post pandemic. We have used it to support some of our children and focused on embedding behaviours for learning after a prolonged period of absence and lockdown. It has also helped us with children who are at risk of underachieving due to emotional difficulties. We have also used them to support applications for EHCP's so that there is a holistic profile of the child. We will continue to use it and find it a valuable tool in school." 


"I have looked at it with a colleague from another school and think it is amazing."


"The Toolkit is a wonderful resource. We make full use of the resources with our children. It saves so much time that they are all in one place and we don't have to search for them or make them ourselves. I would (and do) thoroughly recommend that school purchase."