Package C

Package C


Package C comprise of three school visits and meetings A named school adviser, assigned in consultation with your allocated School Advisor, along with full yea-round support via telephone and email, as required, with cover arrangements when the named adviser is on leave /absent.  Detailed records of school visits visits will be maintained to support your school improvement narrative and journey for all stakeholders, including Inspection Teams. ​​  School will also receive dedicated support during an Ofsted Inspection, including detailed discussions with the inspectors and attendance feedback, both of which will continue to inform subsequent school improvement work.

Your allocated School's Advisor also provides contingency support for emergency and critical incidents; support with challenging situations, e.g. capability/parental complaints; assistance in brokering temporary senior leadership; and dedicated attention to providing and promoting wellbeing for everyone associated with your school.

Package C also offers a dedicated service of Headteacher Appraisal, including preparation of key documentation, supporting Governors, and the writing of reports for approval by the wider Governing Body.  Should your school need to appoint a new Headteacher or new Senior Leaders, your allocated School's Advisor will be able to co-ordinate these processes. 

In addition, Package C includes one additional focused school improvement activity, which could include:

  • Leadership Supervision and/or Coaching
  • SEND audit
  • SEF audit
  • Deep dive coaching for Middle or Senior Leaders
  • 1 day school improvement with allocated school advisor

 Each of these activities can also be commissioned as a standalone school improvement activity.

Following the annually published Common Agenda

Visit 1: Summer SSG School Visit and Meeting

Visit 2: Autumn SSG School Visit and Meeting

Visit 3: Spring SSG School Visit and Meeting

Headteacher Appraisal

Headteacher and Senior Leader Recruitment

Independent Staff and Student Voice Surveys

Additional Focused School Improvement Work