Lancashire School Improvement Guarantee 2025/2026
Lancashire Primary Schools (maintained)
Thank you for taking the time to read our School Improvement Service Guarantee (SISG) 2025/26.
We are very proud of the quality and consistency of what we have provided over many years and we are delighted that the SISG continues to grow and develop in response to the changing needs of our schools.
Our offer is designed to draw on the widest possible skillset from the advisory team and wider Lancashire services.
As ever, our primary goal is to ensure that our children and young people benefit from the best possible educational opportunities that schools can deliver, working under the umbrella of the Lancashire Education Strategy.
Jane Phythian, Julie Fryer and Mark Purcell
Senior School Advisers
"Unrivalled connectivity with Lancashire Services"
Why Lancashire SISG?
The Offer for April 2025 – March 2026
- A named and trusted school adviser, assigned in consultation with your school. Our advisers have all been successful serving headteachers and their expertise is often consulted as part of national working groups.
• Five adviser days which can be used flexibly, determined by the school’s needs and priorities for improvement. In addition to scheduled work, your named adviser is available to respond to communications from school leaders, staff and governors.
• Dedicated attention to providing and promoting wellbeing for everyone associated with your school.
• Full year support via telephone and email, as required, with cover arrangements should your named adviser be on leave /absent.
• Well informed support during an Ofsted Inspection including discussion with the inspector and attending feedback.
• Immediate support for emergency and critical incidents.
• Adviser-coordinated access to Lancashire services, allowing escalation of support for challenging situations, e.g. statutory assessment, court cases, complaints, finances.
• Managing and brokering temporary senior leadership solutions.
• Records of visits will be maintained.
We believe our relationships with our
schools are the key to success
"The SISG offer has been great for myself and our school. Our school adviser has been a critical friend, but also really helped with guiding school progress and pointing us in the right direction for useful resources and collaborating with other schools. The HT forums again have up to date information and resources to support heads, and then take that back to school to ensure best practice and staff CPD. As well as the annual LSIP, the whole package is a supportive and useful resource to ensure you are best placed as a leader to drive improvement and attainment within your school."
Liam Reynolds, Headteacher, John Cross CE Primary School
What distinguishes us from others...
- Lancashire School Information Profile (LSIP) alongside other data products including the unique 'closing the gap' reports and governor LSIP.
- Recruitment for all senior leadership posts.
- Senior English and mathematics Teaching and Learning Consultants' termly, online headteacher briefing.
- Early Years briefing by consultants.
- Termly, online school leader Ofsted drop-in.
- Termly, online SEND briefing by our school-based SENCo consultants.
- Access to the (regularly updated) LPDS website with free access to the English and mathematics areas.
- An annual online headteacher briefing on 'Promoting Equality and Diversity in School.'
- One fully-funded place per school, per term, on the Headteacher Forum.
- Online resources area, only available to SISG schools ( including 'Great Teaching: Reflecting on Classroom Practice' publication.
- Exclusive weekly roundup newsletter and half-termly SISG updates.
- One fully-funded place on a writing moderation session in January (Year 6), led by accredited DfE moderators.
- Discounted delegate place(s) on the renowned '24 Hours in Leadership' Lancashire Conference.
- Priority access for teaching and learning support.
We pride ourselves in the honest and
reflective advice we offer
Our vision for Education and Children's Services
Children, young people and their families are safe, healthy and achieve their full potential.
Lancashire County Council has a duty to drive school improvement so that every school is a good school. Our role is to be the 'Champion of the Learner.'
Our School Improvement Service Guarantee (SISG) is part of our traded offer, contributing towards achieving our vision by supporting and challenging schools to deliver high quality primary provision. This should be based on a rich, connected curriculum that deepens learning and equips pupils for the demands of the next phase of their school journey.
Our SISG is a traded, distinct offer for schools which compliments the Team Around the School and Settings (TASS) work. This is our universal, locality based, needs led model of support for all schools which aims to address recurrent issues that impact on children's educational outcomes. This multi-agency approach works in partnership with all Lancashire schools and settings, to support all children to reach their full potential in education.
Lancashire County Council's Values:
Our Skilled and Experienced Team
Alison Lloyd - - 07826 876408
Angela Heyes - - 07773 666915
Charlotte Emmott - - 07812 772976
Chris Haworth - - 07717 730286
Gemma Whaling - - 07825 996467
Graeme Lucas - - 07827 873856
Helen Hesketh - - 07720 155930
Humma Ahmed -
Jane Phythian - - 07795 812716
Jane Thistlethwaite -
Julie Fryer - - 07810 252372
Kevin Kendall - - 07815 018361
Lisa Davison -
Mandy Goggin - - 07789 618068
Mark Purcell - - 07976 053471
MT Bamber - - 07774 420752
Nicola Daniels-Green -
Rachel Ballard - - 07720 155876
Rachel Clements - - 07825 063568
Richard Kershaw - - 07773 065052
Sam Oates - - 07813 575568
Sarah Watson - - 07798 724040
Sue Penney - - 07866 226834
Suzanne Fish - - 07788 357207
"Advisers with unparalleled breadth and depth of experience"
"I buy into the SISG service for school improvement provided by Lancashire. The service is not only value for money, but invaluable in supporting me in my role as headteacher. My school adviser is someone I wholehearted trust. He knows me as a person and as a leader and goes above and beyond when it comes to help and guidance. My school is all the better for the genuine care and tailored support that is offered to me throughout the year. Set meetings and visits are booked, but I know I can always pick up the phone at any time and he will happily help. The breadth and quality of support is unwavering. I genuinely feel that I have grown in confidence as a leader, and my school has grown in success as a result of this partnership. I honestly would be at a loss without it!"
Danielle Dewhurst, Headteacher,
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
"I find the support from SISG and my named adviser to be invaluable, reflecting the needs of school leaders in the everchanging landscape of education. My named adviser knows and understands our school well - its culture, strengths and challenges, and provides tailored guidance that drives real improvement. The regular visits focus on our school agenda; the termly updates from the English, Maths and EYFS team give valuable insight into current developments that help us in turn support and challenge staff; weekly updates ensure that we don't miss anything in the deluge of information we receive from many sources. The team strike the perfect balance of challenge and support, always encouraging us to push boundaries, whilst also being there in times of difficulty to offer wide ranging support and advice."
Stephanie Reeves, Headteacher,
Garstang Community Primary School
Our Guarantee
The Personal Touch
All-year-round phone and email support with your named adviser, along with five full adviser days which can be used flexibly by your school.
A Service That Cares and Is Always There
Our 2025/26 SISG offer builds upon the well-established model of School Improvement in Lancashire which has grown and developed over the years in response to feedback from our schools. The professional relationship between an adviser, school leaders and governors ensures a detailed knowledge and understanding of individual schools, which then informs bespoke support and challenge.
Bespoke to Your School
This brochure outlines a core offer, but all of our support will be tailored to you and your school.
Wide Ranging Support and Challenge
As a Service, we know our schools well. We are skilled in identifying appropriate challenge, support and opportunities to enable all our schools to be self-managing in responding to local and national developments. Our close working relationship with other LA services, such as HR, Inclusion, Safeguarding and Finance, ensures we are informed of the latest developments within these areas.
Unparalleled Expertise
Our team of advisers are highly skilled and have substantial experience in all aspects of education. They will empower and enable schools to deliver the very best outcomes for all pupils.
Additional Support within the Lancashire SISG
- Pastoral support for school leaders and staff in dealing with the national and local challenges faced by schools.
- Brokering of additional support from the expertise within both the School Improvement Service and the wider Local Authority Teams, for example, finance, HR, health and safety, legal, media, Inclusion, LPDS etc (subject to individual service SLA’s).
- Swift access to Monitoring and Intervention Team support in response to an identified vulnerability.
- Brokering of support from local and national systems and associations, as appropriate.
- Co-ordinated and partnership working with diocesan colleagues (where appropriate).
- Facilitation of collaborative, school led projects, for example, 'Small School Curriculum Development Project 2022 / 24 and the Formative Assessment Project.'
- Drawing on expertise and capacity within the TASS cross phase networks.
How You Might Use your Lancashire SISG
Teaching and Learning
• Working with schools to enhance their curriculum offer.
• An audit of the quality of teaching and learning, including ‘Deep Dives’.
• Challenge for good and outstanding schools to further improve and to share their practice more widely.
• A review of assessment and tracking systems across the school.
Leadership and Management
• Professional development for Senior Leadership Teams.
• Preparation for an Ofsted Inspection and assistance with post- Ofsted action planning.
• Supported monitoring and evaluation of teaching through observations of lessons, scrutiny of pupils’ work, pupil discussions etc.
• A whole school review in response to changing national frameworks and expectations.
• School Development review.
• Self-evaluation review (tailored to the needs of the school.)
• Leadership and management audit.
• A review of the impact of discreet funding streams, for example, Pupil Premium Grant, Catch Up and Sports Funding.
Professional Development
• The adviser provides the role of External Adviser in supporting the Governor Appraisal Committee with headteacher appraisal.
• “Spotlight” profile coaching by accredited advisers, at a reduced rate..
• Professional development for effective subject leadership.
• Arranging mentor support for new and acting headteachers.
• Provision of Local Authority references for staff who apply for a headship post.
• Access to coaching conversations for all staff.
• Attendance at termly Headteacher or Nursery Headteacher briefings by senior advisers, and English & maths updates from consultants.
• Support for Governing Boards with brokering External Review of Governance, support from a National Leader of Governance or support from within Lancashire.
• Full support for Governing Boards in the recruitment of a headteacher, deputy headteacher and assistant headteacher.
• Support in exploring, establishing or dissolving a collaboration or federation.
• Bespoke professional development not covered within the Governor Services SLA.
""At Stanah, our SISG adviser has been incredibly informative and supportive, while also holding us accountable in our academic endeavours. He consistently serves as a valuable sounding board for discussing ideas and addressing concerns. I feel comfortable speaking openly with him about current school standards and exploring strategies for improvement. The Advisers' Weekly Roundup, on local and national developments, ensure we meet deadlines and stay informed about new initiatives."
Rachel Legge, Headteacher, Stanah Primary School
""The support that we received from our Adviser, as well as LCC through our Service Level Agreement is invaluable. I am so grateful for the opportunities that are offered for updates and networking, such as the Headteacher Network and the Assessment Briefings. Day to day, there is always someone available at the end of the phone should support be required, and this is always provided with kindness and without judgement. We are very fortunate to be part of such an active and supportive authority."
Emma Simpson, Headteacher, Christ Church Church of England Primary School
Continue or Start your Relationship with Lancashire
£3500 for an April 2025 to March 2026 School Improvement Service Guarantee (SISG). If you wish to continue with your SISG then there is no need to do anything, your contract will automatically renew and roll forward.
For a collaboration of two or more schools, the SISG will be arranged with you at a bespoke price.
Our senior advisory team are happy to informally discuss your experiences and requirements, so that your package is the perfect fit
Jane Phythian, 07795 812716,
Julie Fryer, 07810 252372,
General enquiries, 01257 516166,
Terms and Conditions
If in the event your adviser is unavailable, we guarantee to provide you with an immediate substitute, with another named adviser. If you no longer wish to renew your SISG, then we ask that you inform us via email no less than three months before the renewal due date.
The cost of the SISG is non-refundable for the year in which it is taken out. However, any school subject to an Academy order due to an Ofsted inspection outcome should contact their senior adviser for the area to discuss the future of their SISG contract.
If you have any complaints about the quality of service you receive against the SISG, please make direct contact with a Senior Adviser, who will seek to resolve this.
"As a new headteacher in 2018, Lancashire’s SISG was essential support for myself and the school. 6 or 7 years later the support is no less valuable in a profession where things change on a daily basis. Regular updates are available in a variety of forms including the Headteacher Forums and online briefings for key areas such as English, Maths and EYFS, but for me the real value is the professional conversations I have termly with my school adviser. Because they know our school so well, they ensure that we are constantly moving forward with focus and seeing real improvement. It is also very reassuring to have a second opinion at the end of the phone when something unexpected has cropped up! The school uses LSIP widely, to analyse performance, to inform key staff of the impact of their work and to report to the wider staff group as well as governors. It is our core data document and a huge time-saver."
Catherine Parkin, Headteacher, Longridge CE Primary School