The largest provider of School Improvement services in the North West.
Termly Leadership Forums
Termly Deputy Headteacher Forums
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School Improvement Service Guarantee members receive one free place on either a headteacher or deputy headteacher forum per term. Please indicate if you are an SISG member in the 'Special Requirements' box when booking your place.
Designed for headteachers in Lancashire. Aims to provide simple and effective wellbeing strategies, create a psychologically safe space for sharing successes and challenges, and establish a sustainable peer support network. The sessions are facilitated by James Pope and Kate Smith, who bring their expertise in headteacher support and coaching.
Primary Lancashire School Improvement Service Guarantee and Service Level Agreement 2025 / 2026
Our core team of skilled and committed advisers and consultants, and the wider Lancashire network, are here to meet your needs and look forward to another year supporting you and Lancashire's children.
Our offer captures what school leaders have told us they need in terms of content and flexibility: a blended approach of face to face and virtual meetings, and a continued drive to prioritise the improvement agenda, whilst still supporting everyone’s well-being and pastoral needs.
We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you, to bring about inspirational education for all children in Lancashire.
Jane, Julie and Mark
Primary School Improvement Service Guarantee
Members Resource Area
Includes: Half-termly Headteacher update documents, Autumn 22 Key Stage 2 Ready Reckoner, general forms and templates, self-evaluation documents, Ofsted information and more. More coming soon.
Senior Advisers (Primary)
Jane Phythian, 07795812716
Julie Fryer, 07810252372
Mark Purcell, 01772537313
General enquiries, 01257516166
"I buy in SSG for school improvement as, above all else, I know my named adviser knows and understands me as a person / leader, and my school to a tee. I know support is there quickly for small queries and help with bigger and more serious issues. The breadth and quality of support available to me through this is immense and instills the confidence in me that I am on the right track!"
Joanne Geldard
Headteacher - Lancaster Lane Community Primary School
"The SSG for School Improvement provided by Lancashire has always been of such a high quality. Focused meetings throughout the year offer a range of support and advice:
an identified school adviser who knows the school well; in-depth discussions which help to challenge and validate the school internal self-evaluation; critical friend to provide constructive feedback and development ideas; a wealth of advice and guidance if and whenever necessary as well as immediate telephone availability for immediate support. In addition, the LSIP is available without additional payment alongside termly informative Headteacher Briefings. What more could we ask."
Adele Robinson
Headteacher - Dalton St Michael's Church of England Primary School