How Trauma Impacts Children and Young People
Suitable for: Headteacher, Heads of Department, Subject Leaders, Teachers, ECTs, Teaching Assistants, SENDCO, LTA
Course code | Keystages | Presented by |
SEN772 | Foundation; KS1; KS2; KS3; KS4 |
Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can cause social interaction difficulties, barriers to learning, attention deficits, language development delay, cognitive issues, unpredictable and impulsive behaviours and eating disorders.
Recognising and understanding the needs of children who have suffered trauma will not only help them to learn and progress within their school environment but also into adulthood.
This session will help attendees to understand what trauma is, brain development, how children who have been affected may present, as well as practical and effective strategies to support children within their setting.