Leading on SEND: Getting Writing Right for Children with SEND
Suitable for: Headteacher, SENDco
Course code | Keystages | Presented by |
PTL804 | KS1; KS2 |
Many children with SEND struggle with writing and can be easily 'switched' off due to difficulties with fine motor skills and
handwriting; sentence structure; grammar and punctuation etc.
This sesssion will consider how to motivate children to write and how to support them with developing sentence structure.
Being able to write a sentence demands many skills. Even at its most basic level, sentence writing involves thinking a
sentence, saying a sentence, holding the sentence in memory, applying phonics to segment words, using word (’finger’)
spaces between words, writing along the line from left to right, re-reading to check it makes sense, etc. The list must seem
endless to a child struggling with this process! This session will consider practical ideas to support children who may still be
on the journey of mastering the skill of writing in sentences. A toolkit for modelling how sentences are formed allowing
children to practise this skill will be demonstrated in order to support children in either key stage.
Caroline Yabantu - English Teaching and Learning Consultant