NEW: Leading on SEND in Primary Schools: Package

Suitable for: Headteacher, SENDco

Course code Keystages Presented by
PTL164 KS1; KS2
  • Steph Johnson (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant)

***Please note the 3rd session (05.11.24) will be taking place at Fairfield Nursery School (Early Years Centre). The rest of the sessions will be at Lancashire FA***

This package of training is for Headteachers and SENDcos to attend together. It will provide opportunities to reflect upon, and review, provision for SEND in their mainstream primary setting. Over a series of sessions, you will have opportunities:
- To access research based CPD around provision for SEND in mainstream settings
- To identify what is meant by 'ordinarily available provision' and inclusive practice
- To have training from a range of presenters with experience and expertise in provision for children with SEND in mainstream schools
- To identify areas of strengths and areas for enhancement and improvement.

Schools are facing the increasing challenge of providing inclusive education for a growing number of children with SEND. How can we make sure our schools, classrooms and learning opportunities are as inclusive as possible?

The SEND Code of Practice 6.12 says, " All pupils should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The National Curriculum Inclusion Statement states that teachers should set high expectations for every pupil, whatever their prior attainment. Teachers should use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. Potential areas of difficulty should be identified and addressed at the outset. Lessons should be planned to address potential areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to pupil achievement. In many cases, such planning will mean that pupils with SEN and disabilities will be able to study the full national curriculum."

This brand new package of CPD is for Headteachers and SENDcos to have opportunities to reflect on their current ordinarily available provision for children with SEND and how this can be further enhanced. There will be the opportunity to attend the equivalent of three full days training over the year. The first session will require all delegates to attend and the rest will be elective sessions.

The first session will be for all delegates and will be full day's course, the remainder sessions will be a half day and will focus on different aspects of inclusive provision for children with SEND. The sessions will be led by Teaching and Learning Consultants, and additional experts, from a range of teams.

The sessions will outline key messages for consideration re high quality inclusive teaching for all; the importance of inclusive learning environments; identification of needs; models of effectiveness and practical strategies to support the leadership, and development, of SEND provision back in school. They will also signpost training opportunities should schools wish to develop particular aspects further.
In order to facilitate positive impact from the training, we are offering two places for the price of one. This will enable the Headteacher and SENDco to attend sessions together to allow for impactful reflection and action planning.

Please note, the full day and four further sessions per school can be attended. It is expected that, if you are making the most of the two for one offer, you attend ALL the sessions together to allow for the strategic action planning mentioned above.

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