Leading on Great Teaching Package

Suitable for: Headteacher, Subject Leaders

Course code Keystages Presented by
PTL151 KS1; KS2
  • Steph Johnson (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant)
  • Ian Richardson (Teaching and Learning Consultant)
  • Adele Thomson (Teaching and Learning Consultant)
  • Mandy Pedder (Primary Consultant)

The Great Teaching courses use evidence-based research to support schools in developing, and embedding, 'great' teaching and learning.

The aims of this course are:
- to support school leadership teams in reviewing Great Teaching across their setting;
- to identify strengths and areas for development; and
- to have access to a package of Great Teaching courses to enable school leadership teams to support whole school development in teaching and learning. This will include access to prepared training resources which can be delivered back in school (relevant to the courses attended as a result of the audit).

"The best available evidence indicates that great teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve pupil attainment. Ensuring every teacher is supported in delivering high-quality teaching is essential to achieving the best outcomes for all pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged among them." (EEF - High Quality Teaching -Maximising Learning)

This well-received package of training from the Great Teaching team will allow schools two places for the price of one at the following:

- Reflecting on Classroom Practice - A full day's course which leads colleagues through the Reflecting on Classroom Practice Audit Tool, highlighting key messages for consideration and allowing the Headteacher, and a Teaching and Learning Lead, to audit current practice in their school.

From this, the school will identify the equivalent of two further full day courses to attend (again, the Headteacher and Teaching and Learning Lead will have two places for the price of one).

Following each course attended, the school will receive training materials and/or a webinar which the Headteacher and Teaching and Learning Lead can then use to lead training back in school. Following the Reflecting on Classroom Practice course, schools will then be able to pick the equivalent of three full days from the following:

Full Day Courses:
- Great Teaching Audit Course
- From Active to Passive Learning
- Questioning to Deepen Learning
- Improving Learning Behaviour
- Explicit Teaching and Modelling
- Metacognition
- Scaffolding for Success
- Memory - Making Learning Stick
-Supporting Children Falling Behind ARE
- Effective Practice for TAs – 2x half days
- Adaptive and Responsive Teaching
- Feedback - More than Marking

Half Day Courses:
- Maximising the Impact of TAs
- Cognitive Load: Optimising Learning
- Great Teaching Networks - Autumn, Spring, Summer (half day each)

** OFFER: 2 delegates from the same school can attend the same sessions for the price of 1. Three full days of CPD for two delegates for the discounted price of £950.
Please make two bookings as normal and we will discount the second place.

"Buying into the package has allowed us to concentrate on elements of teaching & learning in small blocks. We have been able to discuss as a staff, trial and feedback. This has then been fed into our T&L Policy. Staff have had some very interesting discussions about what has worked well for them in our setting. They have enjoyed trialling new (and revisiting not-so-new) ideas; it has re-enthused them...It has empowered different staff members, supported by SLT, and assisted with using the elements that fit our setting underpinned by sound educational research."

"Made me really reflect on areas for improvement and on how we could improve as a school."
Lancashire Headteachers

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