Great Teaching for Children Falling Behind ARE

Suitable for: Headteacher, Heads of department, Subject Leaders, Teachers, ECTs, LTA, SENDco

Course code Keystages Presented by
PTL146 KS1; KS2
  • Steph Johnson (Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant)
  • Elaine Williams (Assessment Consultant)

This course is part of a series of courses using evidence-based research to develop, and embed, 'great' teaching and learning.

The course will examine the following:
• The reasons children fall behind age-related expectations and how to address these.
• How cognitive science research can support us when planning for high quality teaching and learning including Cognitive Load Theory and the development of shemata.
• Practical strategies for planning learning and for helping children to remember what they have learnt.
• Practical strategies for closing the gap.

Many teachers face the challenge of teaching children with a wide range of learning needs in a mainstream classroom.

This course will examine the foundations which need to be established to help children falling behind ARE succeed. It will give a range of practical strategies and approaches to support efficient and effective assessment, planning and teaching. It will also draw on the findings of the EEF report 'Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools'

This course will run over two sessions to prevent cognitive overload and to allow for gap tasks.

"Really well delivered and great examples of practice and how they could be adapted and applied ",
"Great course. Very useful lots to think about" Feedback from Lancashire Teachers

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