Great Teaching: Metacognition

Suitable for: Headteacher, Heads of Department, Subject Leaders, Teachers, ECTs, LTA

Course code Keystages Presented by
PTL120 Foundation; KS1; KS2
  • Ian Richardson (Teaching and Learning Consultant)
  • Jen Little (Primary Consultant)

***Please note, that this course is restricted to 2 delegates per setting

This course is part of a series of courses using evidence-based research to develop, and embed, 'great' teaching and learning.

This course will:
• develop an understanding of metacognition and why it is so important to develop in the classroom;
• review how questions can support metacognition at different points in a lesson;
• consider how to model and explicitly teach metacognition; and
• have a range of practical strategies to support pupils to engage with, and take responsibility for, their own learning.

Research has shown that metacognition has a significant impact on pupil progress. It has been identified as an important component of high quality teaching and learning, and one of the EEF's 5-a-day teaching strategies.

During this course, participants will review definitions of metacognition, and the different aspects of metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation. Participants will discuss examples of questions which support metacognition and will consider the characteristics of a metacognitive learner. Strategies which support the development of metacognition will be shared, and participants will be able to discuss examples from classrooms and schools.

"Lots of super evidence based research as well as classroom tips."

Metacognition… "It's the key." Feedback from Lancashire teachers.

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